Agency of Things
Push Pull Matters

Performed in the attic of the Norwegian Fishing Museum, Norges Fiskerimuseum, Bergen 2023.
Performed in the landscape and cabins of Sulitjelma Tourist Center, European Cabins of Culture, Bodo2024 2024.
Performed in Joar Nango's Sámi amphitheater Girjegumpi, from the Venice Biennale to the Nordland Museum, Bådåddjo/Buvvda Museum during the Sápmi Triennial 2024.
Push Pull Matters is a performance about standardized ways of moving the body throughout different cultures and time periods, focusing on the relationships between bodies and tools. The audience will see dancers exploring the movements by assembling and disassembling wearable structures; extended bodies made of rope, fishing nets, and wooden sticks. Dancers from different cultural backgrounds dance with the structure and it is consequently processed, dismantled, and respectfully misused in an attempt to discover a new standard.
Choreography and scenic construction Yohei Hamada
Creation and performance Katarina Skår Lisa, Riina Kalmi and Yohei Hamada
Scenography & costume design Olga Regitze Dyrløv Høegh
Sound design John Andrew Wilhite-Hannisdal
Lighting design Randiane Sandboe
Dramaturg Cristian Stefanescu
Scenic advisor John Audun Hauge
Scenic co-researcher Masateru Miyazawa
Scenic assistant Diego Belda
Artistic consultant Danja Burchard
Research coordinator Mia Julie Wiland
Producer Yohei Hamada and Sølvi Katrine Andersen(Bergen Dansesenter)
Photo Sasha Azanova og David Engmo
Co-produced by BIT Teatergarasjen and Carte Blanche - THE NORWEGIAN NATIONAL COMPANY OF CONTEMPORARY DANCE
Co-operated by Norges Fiskerimuseum, Bergen Dansesenter - kompetansesenter for dans i Vestland, WRAP, Vitlycke - Centre for Performing Arts and Davvi - Centre for Performing Arts
Supported by Norsk kulturfond, Fond for lyd og bilde, Nordisk Kulturfond, Vestland fylkeskommune, Bergen kommune, FFUK, Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Culture and Arts Promotion Centre Finland
"I Yohei Hamadas performance Push Pull Matters blir dansernes kropper samt høvler, stokker og fiskegarn en inngang til å tenke omkring forholdet mellom menneske, verktøy og et samfunn i bevegelse."